Endurance Ice

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SKU: EI-12-24-32
Regular price $7.00

COOLSHIRT Endurance Ice contains a specially formulated leakproof, long-lasting, viscous gel refrigerant made with non-toxic ingredients listed as FDA GRAS. Rated Best in all aspects. COOLSHIRT Endurance Ice is the ultimate in refrigerant cold packs.

This product is not designed to replace ice but to enhance it. When Endurance Ice is used with your regular ice, it will keep the ice frozen for longer periods of time, which will keep the driver colder for longer periods. In testing, we have gotten up to 5 hours of freeze time with the Endurance Ice.

Features include:

  • Long-lasting cold
  • Efficient transfer of energy
  • Leakproof
  • Reusable
  • Economical